The Queer Girl Is Going to Be Okay

Recorded Books. Nov. 2023.. 758p. $19.99. ISBN 9798890596208.
Gr 7 Up–Walls’s debut features three queer girls; their title’s verb-in-action aptly emphasizes the trio’s transformative journeys, centered on Latinx transgirl Dawn’s documentary-in-progress about queer love. Dawn’s excerpt makes the second judging round for the Austin Film Festival; winning would mean a scholarship to UT Austin’s film school, enabling a dream-come-true without the guilt of abandoning her ailing father. When finishing the film is suddenly derailed, Dawn’s BFFs—despite their own struggles—make miracles happen. Black girl Edie almost loses the nonbinary love-of-her-life trying to please her religious parents. Korean American Georgia, still without a college acceptance, needs to tell her mother the truth about her new boyfriend. Katon-Donegal has many characters to aurally track—occasionally, she falters, inadvertently interchanging voices. She’s also facing some clunky writing, but give her an hour-ish because these girls will impress you.
VERDICT Yep, Katon-Donegal’s performance is going to be (more than) okay.

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