
320p. Charlesbridge Teen. Jun. 2019. Tr $17.99. ISBN 9781580899406.
Gr 9 Up—Recently diagnosed with arthritis, 14-year-old Ricky Bloom now lives in "the Batch Pad" with her dentist father and attends a new middle school in Philadelphia. Ricky begins "the Charade," ditching school to avoid bullying and the pain of getting there. Instead she spends her time sleeping, taking hot baths, and daydreaming about Julio, a cute drummer. Embarrassed by her pain and limitations, she prefers to keep to herself; the only person she chooses to see is her older sister Dani, a college basketball player who lives with her girlfriend of three years. When Ricky's truancy is discovered, she risks having to repeat ninth grade, which would bring more unwanted attention to her already miserable, angry days. Back to school (for real this time), she finds unlikely support from an English teacher and an adorkable guy named Oliver, a cancer survivor. These relationships and a new doctor who listens to her provide Ricky a sense of hope, allowing her to become a better version of herself. Silverstein's debut young adult novel is an accurate portrayal of the challenging relationship between parents and teens, as well as the frustration of living with a chronic illness.
VERDICT Readers will enjoy this contemporary coming-of-age story featuring a resilient protagonist and charming plot.

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