Delving Into Our World | Social Science Series Nonfiction

Readers will delve into their surroundings this fall, embarking on a continuous learning journey to discover diverse cultures, both local and distant.


This fall, publishers have offered a well-balanced perspective on the internal and external world. Readers will consider their own character and values, while understanding societal expectations and appropriate conduct. They will delve into their surroundings, embarking on a continuous learning journey to discover diverse cultures, both local and distant.



Andrews, Elizabeth. Buddhism.ISBN 9781098244439.
––––. Christianity.ISBN 9781098244446.
––––. Hinduism.ISBN 9781098244453.
––––. Islam.ISBN 9781098244460.
––––. Judaism.ISBN 9781098244477.
––––. Sikhism.ISBN 9781098244484.
ea vol: 32p. (World Religions). Abdo/ DiscoverRoo. Sept. 2023. Tr $32.79.
Gr 2-5–This series takes readers on a journey through the world’s major religions. Each book presents a clear and thorough exploration of a religion’s history, beliefs, symbols, holidays, and key figures. QR codes offer access to videos, activities, and extra readings, enhancing the text’s depth. Striking photographs capture religious architecture and celebrations, while infographics succinctly present practices and beliefs. Back matter includes text-based questions, a glossary, and an index. VERDICT An look at the world’s biggest religions that is both illuminating and affirming.

Barnham, Kay Patrick Corrigan. Eat Healthy Food? ISBN 9781538393611.
––––. Go to School?ISBN 9781538393642.
––––. Go to Sleep?ISBN 9781538393673.
––––. Keep Clean?ISBN 9781538393703.
––––. Share?ISBN 9781538393734.
––––. Tell the Truth?ISBN 9781538393765.
ea vol: 32p. (Why Do I Have to...). Rosen/Windmill. Aug. 2023. Tr $28.93.
PreS-Gr 2–Every parent and teacher has been confronted with the situations presented in this series. Why do I have to make my bed? Why is telling the truth so important? Why can’t I have pizza for dinner every night? The caregivers in each book are patient and understanding, and they use clear and concise language to help children understand their responses. Readers are asked to think about why the characters should wash their face or wonder why they might lie about the birthday present they received. Text boxes present extra information, including how to eat a balanced diet and strategies for getting a better night’s sleep. Back matter features a fact sheet, index, further reading, and glossary. VERDICT This series is a valuable resource for adults who are out of answers.

Collins, Ailynn. Mid-Autumn Festival.ISBN 9780756575731.
Hofer, Charles C. Halloween.ISBN 9780756575656.
––––. New Year.ISBN 9780756575816.
––––. Thanksgiving.ISBN 9780756575977.
––––. Veterans Day.ISBN 9780756576059.
Koster, Gloria. Rosh Hashanah.ISBN 9780756575892.
ea vol: 32p. (Traditions & Celebrations). Capstone/Pebble. Aug. 2023. Tr $31.32.
K-Gr 3–This series explores the rich history and customs surrounding beloved holidays. Each book addresses four questions about the featured holiday—what is it, when does it occur, where is it celebrated, and how is it observed? Readers will discover the legends and histories that paved the way for contemporary practices. They will read about the spread of cultures through immigration that led to worldwide celebrations and what local traditions continue to be practiced. Images of holy services, decorations, food, and illustrations accompany the text. Despite its quality, the series does not introduce any groundbreaking concepts unseen in similar titles. Back matter includes a glossary with pronunciation, additional resources, and an index. VERDICT Purchase where holiday books are needed.

Cuthbert, Megan. Church.ISBN 9781510567443.
––––. Park.ISBN 9781510567474.
Willis, John. Zoo.ISBN 9781510567504.
ea vol: 24p. (Visiting My Community). Lightbox Learning. Aug. 2023. Tr $23.99.
K-Gr 2–Public gathering areas are spotlighted in this series. Each title includes facts about who uses the location and what activities take place there. The information is presented in text boxes overlaying full-page, eye-catching images. Readers are asked to consider what they have learned after reading the book. Back matter includes lists of sight words and content words along with the page numbers of their first appearance. The series is light on content, however, which might be because they are meant to be used alongside Lightbox’s subscription-based website. VERDICT This series works for schools using the publisher’s digital content. Otherwise, there are similar series with more information.

Lewis, Katherine. Counting Breaths with the Count.ISBN 9781728486802.
––––. Do Your Part with Grover.ISBN 9781728486819.
––––. You Rock with Ji-Young.ISBN 9781728486796.
Miller, Marie-Therese. Being Thankful with Gabrielle.ISBN 9781728486789.
ea vol: 24p. (Sesame Street ® Character Guides). Lerner. Aug. 2023. Tr $29.32.
PreS-Gr 2–Our favorite Sesame Streetcharacters help young readers understand SEL topics. While each title features a well-known character on the cover, several Sesame Street friends make appearances throughout. Titles use a combination of text and images to help kids understand the content. The Count, Grover, and plenty of others reinforce the information by asking questions, sharing affirmations, and adding their own thoughts on the subject. For example, Do Your Part with Grover defines responsibility and explains how to be responsible by being a good helper, cleaning up after yourself, and helping your community. These are accompanied by examples of responsibility in action—kids brushing their teeth, recycling, and folding the laundry. The bright pages are filled with joyful images and thought bubbles asking for readers’ input. Each book ends with an activity, glossary, and further reading. VERDICT This series takes vague concepts and makes them concrete for young children. Recommended for SEL collections.

Rains, Dalton. Fairness.ISBN 9781646198153.
––––. Helpfulness.ISBN 9781646198160.
––––. Honesty.ISBN 9781646198177.
––––. Perseverance.ISBN 9781646198191.
––––. Respect.ISBN 9781646198207.
––––. Self-Control.ISBN 9781646198214.
––––. Sharing.ISBN 9781646198221.
––––. Sportsmanship.ISBN 9781646198238.
––––. Teamwork.ISBN 9781646198245.
Stratton, Connor. Listening.ISBN 9781646198184.
ea vol: 24p. (Civic Skills and Values). North Star Editions/Little Blue Readers. Aug. 2023. Tr $28.50.
PreS-Gr 1–Emerging readers learn essential life lessons in this social-emotional learning series. Each title highlights a value crucial for making friends and succeeding in school. The skills are presented in simple language and accompanied by recognizable imagery and identifiable facial expressions. Every book delves into the significance of each skill, offering real-life instances of its application across various contexts—from household settings to the school environment. The pages are a calming blue palette with large text and ample white space. Vocabulary words are tagged on the images. Back matter includes a picture glossary and index. VERDICT Abstract ideas become much easier to understand with this series. Recommended for libraries and classrooms.


Upper Elementary to Middle School

Cohn, Jessica. Spending Money: Budgets, Credit Cards, Scams... And Much More! ISBN 9781339004938.
Green, Alicia. What Is Money?: Bartering, Cash, Cryptocurrency... And Much More! ISBN 9781339004877.
Liu, Janet & Melinda Liu. Making and Saving Money: Jobs, Taxes, Inflation... And Much More! ISBN 9781339004907.
––––. What Banks Do with Money: Loans, Interest Rates, Investments... And Much More! ISBN 9781339004969.
ea vol: 48p. (A True Book: Money). Scholastic/Children’s Pr. Sept. 2023. Tr $31.
Gr 3-5–This series offers young readers an accessible yet comprehensive exploration of money and the economy. Each title opens with a true-false setup, prompting engagement. The series covers crucial concepts such as budgeting, types of payment, inflation, taxes, credit, and the economy. Terms children are likely to have heard from adults are explained. The author asks readers to critically evaluate newspaper cartoons, answer questions, and participate in activities such as making a business budget and comparing grocery store prices. Each title includes resources, a glossary, and an index. VERDICT Children will leave these titles with a greater understanding of family budgets and financial literacy. Highly recommended.

Marcks, Betty. The Blackfeet.ISBN 9798886874402.
KNOXSAH, Ona. The Cherokee.ISBN 9798886874419.
––––. The Navajo.ISBN 9798886874433.
––––. The Sioux.ISBN 9798886874457.
Sonneborn, Liz. The Hopi.ISBN 9798886874426.
––––. The Shawnee.ISBN 9798886874440.
ea vol: 32p. (Native American Nations). Bellwether/Blastoff! Discovery. Aug. 2023. Tr $27.95.
Gr 3-8–This series helps readers comprehend Native American nations as separate communities with their own cultures rather than as one monolithic group. Each volumehighlights the original land, traditions, beliefs, and political hierarchy of the covered nation. Large photos, paintings, maps, and infographics help readers understand the content. Authors describe encounters with the colonizers and the impact they had on each nation. Readers also learn about each nation today, including where they live and how they uphold their traditions. Titles cover contributions Native American nations have made to the society at large, such as Navajo Code Talkers and the Blackfeet Environmental Office’s drinking water tests. Images of traditional dwellings, clothing, and art portray how distinct these communities are from one another. Back matter includes a time line, glossary, additional resources, and index. VERDICT A stunning introduction to Native American nations.

Rajczak Nelson, Kristen. Artwork.ISBN 9781538287446.
––––. Autobiographies.ISBN 9781538287477.
––––. Letters.ISBN 9781538287507.
––––. Newspapers.ISBN 9781538287538.
––––. Photographs.ISBN 9781538287569.
––––. Poems.ISBN 9781538287590.
ea vol: 32p. (A Look at Primary Sources). Gareth Stevens. Aug. 2023. Tr $28.27.
Gr 5-8–This hi-lo series explores primary source formats. Each title distinguishes primary from secondary sources and guides readers’ usage. Modern parallels like YouTube videos blend seamlessly with more traditional sources. The unique art deco design utilized for the covers carries through the series. Large images cover most of the pages. Each book includes a glossary, further reading, and an index. VERDICT A thorough and approachable guide to primary sources.


Upper Middle School to High School

Currie-McGhee, Leanne. How Do I Get a Job?ISBN 9781678205546.
––––. How Do I Start a Business?ISBN 9781678205560.
Mooney, Carla. How Do Credit Cards and Loans Work?ISBN 9781678205522.
––––. Should I Go to College?ISBN 9781678205607.
Streissguth, Tom. How Does Investing Work?ISBN 9781678205584.
ea vol: 64p. (Guide to Financial Responsibility). ReferencePoint. Sept. 2023. Tr $32.95.
Gr 6 Up–Comprehensive financial guidance for teenagers, covering a range of topics from top to bottom. Young readers interested in finding a job, starting a business, going to college, or looking for similar financial understanding will leave this series with a wealth of knowledge. Job-seeking teens learn about resumes, cover letters, and searching for job openings all the way to the first day in the office. Future business owners will read about becoming an LLC, creating a logo, and the ups and downs of franchising. The series is updated to include modern business practices such as remote work and the use of algorithms to screen resumes. The pages are text-heavy but broken up by sidebars that cover topics such as the impact of social media on a job search, a small business’s TikTok success story, and explanations of common credit terminology. Small text boxes feature quotes from industry personnel. VERDICT An even-handed financial series that simplifies complicated topics. Recommended.


“A True Book: Money” (Scholastic) and “Guide to Financial Responsibility” (ReferencePoint) offer children and adolescents crucial financial literacy. “Sesame Street Character Guides” (Lerner) and “Civic Skills and Values” (North Star) assist students in comprehending appropriate behavior, while “Why Do I Have to...” (Rosen) supplies answers to common questions. As young readers venture beyond their communities, resources like “World Religions” (Abdo), “Traditions & Celebrations” (Capstone), and “Native American Nations” (Bellwether) enable them to gain deeper insights into diverse cultures.



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