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Evan's angst-ridden, often wry narrative is spot on for older teens, and explores the ideas of finding your community and contributing to it. Consider for high school libraries, especially where there is interest in the musical. Connor's ability to communicate and observe after death is counter to the reality of suicide, and may warrant a heads-up to school counselors.
This is a must-have for all libraries because of the authentic and multidimensional characters and the satisfying mystery. It is an excellent audio choice for students who enjoy creepy tales.
This high-quality selection will serve as a seasonal feast for the senses and provide inspiration for budding young artists and writers who love nature. Highly recommended.
These Caldecott favorites, whether shown together or independent of each other, will find a home in many elementary collections, thanks to their stunning artwork, engaging narratives, and informative bonus interviews.—Anne Bozievich, Friendship Elementary School, Glen Rock, PA
The involvement of a teenage student in the development and presentation of this summary of the causes and consequences of climate change makes this accessible to environmental science students.
Not only is this nature film enlightening and educational but highly entertaining as well. This would make a valuable addition to any school library or science classroom collection.