The Haunting of Gabriel Ashe

288p. Scholastic. 2013. Tr $16.99. ISBN 978-0-545-40270-5.
Gr 6–9—This unsettling tale starts out as a realistic friendship story but merges into fantasy/horror. With a dad who makes puppets for a living, Gabe is used to being teased by his classmates. After a devastating fire causes his family to move, however, he starts to experience a surge in reputation, though this popularity comes with a price. Gabe must choose between his new friends and Seth, a strange neighbor who introduces him to a fantasy role-playing game in the wooded area behind their houses. When the game turns out to be not entirely imaginary, and kids in the community start to get hurt, Gabe must figure out how to set things right. The short chapters create a fast pace that rushes to the ultimate confrontation in this supernatural thriller. The creepy mood Poblocki creates for this ghost story is its strongest asset. Although it's tame enough for middle schoolers, the ending may be intense for some readers.—Carrie Shaurette, Dwight-Englewood School, Englewood, NJ
Realistically captures the transition between childhood and adolescence; Gabe is starting to outgrow playing make-believe in the woods, while his friend Seth isn’t. Dan Poblocki’s writing is direct and detailed, while effectively evoking a feeling of dread: “The floor squeaked again. The thing at the end of his bed was coming closer. Gabe couldn’t catch his breath to call out for his parents. He bit his lip hard, hoping this was a nightmare from which he could awaken, but his mouth filled with the coppery taste of blood, and he knew this was no dream.” Strange, threatening events begin to take place, and because Seth seems creepy, it is easy to believe the worst about him. But readers also will sympathize with the way he is looked down on by the more popular kids. The fascinating ending hinges on subtle hints that have been present throughout the story.

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