Rover and Speck: This Planet Rocks!

Kids Can. Oct. 2022. 104p. Tr $14.99. ISBN 9781525305665.
Gr 1-3–This whimsical early reader comic will delight a young audience and give them a few science tidbits on the way. Rover is deposited on a planet to explore, but immediately is hampered by a broken antenna, which means he won’t be able to call home when he is ready to move on. While trying to find a way to fix the antenna, he happens onto an older model rover that has been covered and is out of solar power. He revives the robot, and the two bots become friends, exploring the planet together, only to meet up with huge rock monsters. The narration breaks every so often to sprinkle in a scientific fact, but this doesn’t hinder the flow of the story, which is laden with humor and just enough suspense for the target audience. The artwork uses vibrant colors and simple geometric shapes that give an overall vibe of simplicity.
VERDICT Libraries needing early reader comics will surely want to add this to their collection.

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