How to Succeed in Witchcraft

Putnam. Sept. 2022. 416p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9780593354520.
Gr 7 Up–Shay Johnson, a senior at T.K. Anderson Magical Magnet School, is laser focused on becoming a Brockton Scholar to earn a free ride to the college of her choice. She focuses on honing her magic skills and keeping her grades up in classes like AP Potions; however, she must keep in mind that Mr. B is the head of the scholarship committee as well as the school play, Bronxtown Brooms. What starts out as a witty and campy novel set in Boca Raton, slowly shifts to more serious issues, such as racism and unwanted attention from an adult who seems to hold all of the cards. When Shay gets the lead in the school play, she must decide what she should do to protect her friend and thwart the intentions of Mr. B. The novel is well written with well-developed characters, and teens will relate to the problems Shay faces. The magic involved heightens the interest level as it is used in a creative way to add an intriguing layer. Characters are described as Cuban with headwraps, biracial, Black, white, and Filipino. The main character is queer.
VERDICT Recommended. Fans of Sabrina the Teen Witch will enjoy this novel and it’s a good LGBTQIA+ addition to any collection.

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