Everywhere You Want To Be

288p. Blink. May 2018. pap. $12.99. ISBN 9780310763338.
Gr 7 Up—Eighteen-year-old Matilda (Tilly) Castillo dreams of a future as a professional dancer, but her mom insists that she enroll in college. Her lifelong dream was almost destroyed a year prior from a slip on the ice; now, opportunity has knocked again in the form of an invitation to participate in a summer dance program in New York City. Tilly is allowed to go, provided that she enrolls in college and makes the deposit, which she does—with a one-year deferment. Once in New York, the teen instantly connects with Charlotte Tran, her outgoing roommate and dance team member. Together they explore the city where Tilly encounters and reconnects with Paolo, a very handsome and hip drummer she rejected while she was injured and angry over her accident. Another dance team member, Sabrina, seems to take an instant disliking to her and tries to ruin Tilly's opportunity to earn a spot with a professional dance group. June has succeeded in creating a diverse set of characters each with their own distinct goals in life. Themes of pursuing dreams, forging one's own path, overcoming hardship, and surviving overzealous competition are interwoven with great balance and will resonate with teens.
VERDICT A recommended general purchase.

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