Enough Is Enough: How Students Can Join the Fight for Gun Safety

Atria/Beyond Words. Oct. 2019. 320p. further reading. glossary. notes. Tr $22.99. ISBN 9781582707006; pap. $12.99. ISBN 9781582707013.
Gr 7 Up–With students becoming more involved in gun control debate and activism, this encompassing and attractively designed overview of the facts, effects, and advice from gun control activists will capture the attention of many teen readers. The acknowledgement that urban gun violence went ignored long before mass shootings began to increase is welcome, as are statistics and detailed explanations of how gun violence uniquely impacts women, the LGBTQ community, and BIPOC. Readers are introduced to teens involved in gun control activism—many of those profiled have either been personally affected by gun violence or are advocating for responsible gun ownership and control. Plenty of charts, graphs, and pullout stats make the content accessible for a variety of readers; information is clearly labeled and doesn’t clutter the pages. Advice on how to advocate for gun control is clear-cut. An account from a teen who grew up in a hunting environment, a mention of Columbine survivor and Colorado state legislator Patrick Neville, who supports arming teachers with guns, and an acknowledgement that the majority of gun owners have guns for non-nefarious purposes are included. Although this title is aimed at teens, adults could also gain insightful information on activism.
VERDICT This encompassing guide will be a boon for students eager to become better educated about gun violence and gun control, especially with regard to suggestions on meaningful ways to get involved. A timely, thoughtful, far-reaching, and inclusive look at gun control and gun violence issues.

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