Climate Action: The Future Is in Our Hands

Tiger Tales/360 Degrees. Jul. 2021. 64p. Tr $24.99. ISBN 9781944530365.
Gr 3-6–Sustainability advisor, writer, and campaigner Stevens’s insightful text is accompanied by Rewse’s lovely illustrations in this nonfiction book about climate change. It is laid out in four sections: Causes, Effect, Our Part, and Inspiration. Within each section are spreads with vibrant art paired with an overview of the topic, short paragraphs, fun facts, and spotlight profiles of Changemakers, often children, who have taken steps to make positive changes in the world. Topics like “Energy” gives readers the pros and cons for each alternative to fossil fuels, while the “Inspiration” chapter offers ideas for careers that kids can pursue if they want to work to protect the environment. Stevens explains the science behind the causes and effects of climate change in simple, easy-to-understand terms. There is a table of contents detailing each section and topic, plus an extensive glossary in the back matter. The format and bright illustrations make it easy to read and welcoming to reluctant readers; it would pique a child’s interest to learn more about the subject. However, the short sections and word bubble facts could make it difficult to use as a source for children doing research.
VERDICT A good addition for large collections. Put in the hands of kids interested in nature, conservation, and the environment.

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