Verse lends itself to conveying big feelings around disability, as these powerful works for middle grade readers show.
Despite the importance and impact of the 1947 Partition of India, there is little taught about the event or written about it in children's literature. Authors Saadia Faruqi, Ritu Hemnani, and Veera Hiranandani are filling that gap with new titles.
Authors, committee members, and Katherine Schneider herself reflect on how the Schneider Family Book Award has propelled disability representation into the spotlight.
Increasingly, sensitivity readers play a role in the editorial and publishing process. Experts in a specific identity, they often undertake research to provide detailed feedback on a manuscript.
Disabled authors and attendees struggle to participate in events lacking accommodations.
Thoughtful, accurate visual portrayals of disabilities characterize these 2023 releases.
Normalizing physical disability can and should begin in childhood. These creators are doing just that.
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