These selections, full of legendary creatures and inexplicable happenings, will pose intriguing questions to curious readers.
This spring’s series nonfiction titles for early readers offer books on a range of fun and fresh topics that will help build foundational reading skills.
This fall’s selection of titles for young readers provide excellent phonemic tools to help them gain confidence, while delivering entertaining stories children will want to revisit over and over.
Gripping, scientific, out-of-this-world stories of mythical creatures and mysterious circumstances await readers this fall.
This spring, students need only pack their curiosity and imaginations to travel—no tickets or suitcases required!
This spring, publishers are bringing forth compelling series not only about perpetually fascinating mythological creatures, but also about some of history’s most baffling, inexplicable puzzlers.
Who doesn’t love a great story? Legendary heroes, weird creatures, and unexplained phenomena are the foundations of tales that have always mesmerized listening and reading audiences and generated thrills and chills.
Students will be engrossed, entertained, and inspired as they delve into fascinating accounts of paranormal proceedings, vivid descriptions of legendary beings, and the exploits of mythic heroes and heroines whose origins are shrouded in the mists of time.
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